Registration is NOW OPEN for CWCBExpo Events in L.A. and Boston

Register Now Before Prices Increase on August 26
Use our unique Promo Code: FL20 for 20% Off
REGISTER NOW for the CWCBExpo events in Los Angeles and Boston. Don’t miss out on great opportunities to start or expand your business in these major markets.
Keynotes: Political activists, advocates, celebrities and politicians elevating the cannabis, legalization and diversification conversations
Add-On Workshops: Instructive formats from experienced industry professionals on topics such as: investing in or starting a legalized cannabis business, responsible business ownership, human capital, finance, and interpening
Conference Tracks and Seminars: Meet, listen to and learn from hundreds of industry professionals
Thousands to Meet: Attend the premier expos with thousands of other professionals and see hundreds of exhibits featuring the latest products for the legalized cannabis business including industrial hemp and mainstream businesses with crossover applications
Networking Mixer: Continue to make connections at a professional and fun party with industry influencers, exhibitors, and speakers located right inside the convention center immediately following the first day of the Los Angeles and Boston expos
Prices go up on August 26
Secure Full Conference, Exposition and Networking Mixer tickets today before they sell out.